Art Supplies:
One package of white Strathmore 5 x 7 Blank
Cards and Envelopes
Your choice of three to five transparent
watercolour paints. I recommend Winsor & Newton
Cotaman and Artists' tube paints.
This example
used violet, green and red paints. As
the colours blend into each other, more colours
will emerge.
A half-inch flat brush.
Water container
A toothbrush for spattering paint.
1. Paint palette
Paper - Secure one blank card to a flat painting
surface with removable painter's tape.
Paints - Prepare each colour in
a separate well on a palette using
only a small amount of the paint (about
the size of a little fingertip). Moisten
the paint with water and mix with a
brush to an inky consistency. Clean the
brush well before mixing the next
colour. After the paints are
ready, refill the water container with
clean water.
Using a clean medium round
brush, dip it
into the clean water. Holding the wet brush
perpendicular to the paper, paint in the sky area
down to the snowline. Start at the top of the
sky and
work downwards in a zig-zag motion, leaving no
4. As soon as the sky is dry
"Use an air dryer if you wish to speed
up the drying procedure", dip
the brush into the green pre-mixed colours and then
gently tap the brush in a number ever decreasing
lines zig-zag lines. This will immediately create the illusion of a
triangular tree shape covered in snow.
Rinse the brush
and dip it into the pre-mixed madder brown colour. Again,
just draw the brush up from what will be
the trunk of the tree up to the under
part of the bottom line of the tree
Rinse the brush
again and dip it into the pre-mixed
green colour. At the base of the
trunk of each tree flick the brush
upwards to form grasses. Repeat this in
various places of the remaining whit
area to form clumps of grass not covered
by the snow.
7. When both the
trees and the grass have dried. Rinse the brush
again and dip it into the pre-mixed sky
colour. Dry the brush off so that
the paint is barely wet. Holding the
brush on it's side lightly drag it in a
downward stroke to form the broken
shadows under the grass clumps and tree
and allow to dry Allow to dry.
Again rinse the brush
and dip it into the pre-mixed white colour. Now
decide where you want the moon and paint
it in. If you have a tree which is above
the snowline as in the example shown
above then continue to paint in the top
of the tree with the white colour and
your picture is finished.
Don't forget to sign
your painting.
Experiment with different colour
combinations and tree patterns with the
rest of the blank cards and remaining
pre-mixed paint.