Greeting cards are always gratefully received whatever the occasion may be. It just
gives us a good feeling inside knowing
that someone has gone out of their way to find you that something special.
To receive a hand made greetings card is something different but to receive a hand
made and hand painted greetings card is that bit more special.
Each of my greetings cards are original
watercolours and have been painted with the same level of detail and
professionalism throughout the galleries. There are hundreds to choose from so take your time looking
through my galleries and choose wisely.
I love to paint atmospheric pictures so I've put together a selection of
atmospheric watercolour moorland, Lakeland and Mountain scenes for you
to view below.
I can guarantee that which ever you
choose, it will be be a good choice and total satisfaction is my promise to you. If
you cannot find what you want, if you can describe it, I can paint it, so make a
request and commission your own greetings cards from a treasured photo or from a favourite
Selling my artwork is not my priority, I
just want people to like my greetings cards and to make you smile and may be
have a go yourself. If I do that then I
have achieved my goal! Please feel free to contact me if you wish to commission
your own set of watercolour greetings cards from a favourite photo
or picture of yours. Otherwise, I hope you will send lots of my
greetings cards to your friends and relatives! I will regularly be adding new cards, so come back often and browse.
Please see
the rest of my website which include original paintings, Woodturnings and
Note: You can view a bigger version of the handmade greetings cards by placing your mouse
curser on the image and click. A new window will open with the
bigger image. When finished viewing, just close the window and
come back here to view the other handmade greetings cards.
Additional ordering and payment information is
available Here