Have you ever received a greeting card that someone made especially for you? It might not have been really fancy, maybe
the saying didn't rhyme too well, and it might have been printed a little off-centre, but you appreciated it nonetheless
because someone made it especially for you.
The hardest part for most people is trying to think of something "catchy" or meaningful to say. Because we have come
to expect cards to have a rhyming verse, most people think they have to write a poem. Well, that's just not true.
All you need to do is to say what you feel, say whatever it is that you would like to tell the person who will get the card.
If you are making the card for a child, then really, all you have to do is to make sure that you've got the child's name in the saying!
If you don't want to have a go at making your own card then the next best thing is to send them an original hand
made, hand painted, greetings card from my vast selection.
Note: You can view a bigger version of the handmade greetings cards by placing your mouse
curser on the image and click. A new window will open with the
bigger image. When finished viewing, just close the window and
come back here to view the other handmade greetings cards.